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Real Times Media is a multifaceted media company rooted in a core mission to uplift and celebrate the African American experience. Our brands date back more than 115 years. Our legacies are formidable.

But what sets us apart is our ability to translate that legacy into impactful messaging, partnerships, and programming that give our platforms the contemporary appeal and cultural savoir-faire to continually engage all generations.


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Announcements & Upcoming Events

Michigan Chronicle 2020 Women of Excellence Nominations

The Michigan Chronicle is accepting nominations for the 2020 Women of Excellence.

New Pittsburgh Courier 2019 Women of Excellence

The Women of Excellence celebrates local African American women who motivate and inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievements and participation.

2020 Who’s Who in Black Detroit

Who’s Who In Black is proud to announce the ninth edition of Who’s Who In Black Detroit after a five year hiatus. Veteran public relations expert, Cathy Nedd returns to helm the project as the associate publisher.


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Our Brands
